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Thursday, January 20, 2022

pH value of common substances

 ▪️ जल का  pH मान कितना होता है = 7

▪️ दूध का PH मान कितना होता है  = 6.4

▪️ सिरके  का PH कितना होता है = 3

▪️ मानव रक्त का pH मान  = 7.4

▪️ नीबू  के रस का pH मान = 2.4

▪️ NaCl का pH मान = 7

▪️ pH पैमाने का पता किसने लगाया  = सारेन्सन ने

▪️ अम्लीय घोल का pH मान कितना होता है = 7 से कम

▪️ उदासिन घोल का pH मान = 7

▪️ शराब का pH मान = 3.5

▪️ मानव मूत्र का pH मान = 4.8 - 8.4

▪️ समुद्री जल का pH मान = 8.1

▪️ आँसू का pH मान = 7.4

▪️ मानव लार का pH मान = 6.5 - 7.5


Effects of Hydrogen Bonding on Physical Properties

(i) Boiling point and melting point

a. The boiling point of covalent compounds increases with increase in molecular weight and thus H20 (mol. wt. =18) should have low boiling point than H2S

b. Boiling point of HF (liquid) is greater than boiling . point of HCI (gas) .

c. NH3 has high boiling point than PH3

d. Alcohols: (R-OH) have high boiling point than those of corresponding thioalcohols (R-SH, mercaptans) and ethers (R-O-R).

e. b.pt. of water (100°C) is higher than ethyl alcohol (78°C) because greater number of water molecules are associated (through H-bonding) than the ethyl alcohol.

f. Polyhydric alcohols have higher boiling points than their ethers, inspite of increase in the molecular masses of ethers.

g. Boiling points of aldehydes and ketones are lower than alcohols.

h. The boiling points of primary (R-NH2) and secondary amines (R2NH) are higher than the isomeric tertiary amines (R3N) because like water and alcohols, the primary and secondary amines are capable of forming intermolecular hydrogen bonding but tertiary amine does not.

(ii). Solubility in water-

A hydrogen-bonded organic compound is usually soluble in another hydrogen-bonded substance. So, compounds whose molecule can form H-bonds with water molecule are soluble in water.

a. lower members of alcohols, acids, primary and secondary amines, phenols and carbonyl compounds ate more soluble in water, whereas alkanes, ethers and thiols are insoluble in water. 

(iii). States of matter-

H20 is liquid (high boiling point) and H2S is gas. Because in water molecule, hydrogen bonding is present and so become more compact and requires more energy to get them separated during evaporation, while sulphur is less electronegative nature than oxygen and give S-H bond, a smaller ionic character than the O-H bond and thus H2S forms very weak hydrogen bond

(iv). Stereo isomerism:  

the trans-isomer of indigo is so stabilised by H-bonding that it resists photochemical isomerisation to the cis-isomer,

(v). Adsorption: Intermolecular H-bonding plays a very important role in the process of dyeing of textiles.  

(vi). Hydrogen bonding In biological systems: H-bonding in biological systems also plays an important role and stabilizes usual structure of proteins and nucleic acids.

Surface chemistry - Complete ppt

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

States of matter

Thermodynamics -Complete ppt

Tuesday, January 18, 2022


In 1920 Latimer and Rodebush introduced the idea of  "hydrogen bond" to explain the nature of association in liquid state of substances like water, hydrogen fluoride, ammonia and formic acid, etc. In a hydrogen compound, when a hydrogen atom lies between two atoms having high electronegativities, it shows a unique property of forming a bond or a bridge between them, holding one of the atoms by a covalent bond and other by purely electrostatic forces (dipole-dipole attraction). This chemical combination between highly electronegative atoms of small atomic radius, such as F and N through a hydrogen bond is referred to as Hydrogen bond or Hydrogen bridge.

Hydrogen bond is defined as "an electrostatic attractive force between the. covalent bonded hydrogen atom of one molecule and an electronegative atom (such as F, 0, N) of the 'other molecule

Nature and Importance of Hydrogen Bonding 

 (i) Hydrogen bond is merely an electrostatic force rather than a chemical bond. 

  (ii) Hydrogen bond never involves more than two atoms. 

 (iii) Bond energy of hydrogen bond is in the range of 3 to 10 Kcal/mol or 10 to 40 kJ/moI, i. e., about 1/10th the energy of a covalent bond. . 

 (iv) With the increase of electronegativity of the atom to which hydrogen is covalently linked, the strength of' the hydrogen bond increases. 

 (v) All the three atoms in X -H- - -X lie in a straight line. 

Decreasing order of electronegativity of F>O>CI=N>Br>C>H

Electronegativity of an atom is a measure of its power to attract electrons that it is sharing in a covalent bond. 

The decreasing order of electronegativity of some common atoms which are generally encountered in organic chemistry is:

F >  O > CI= N > Br > C > H

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1. Name the functional groups present in the following compounds. a)     CH 3  – CO –CH 2 –CH 2  –CH 2 –CH 3 b)    CH...