Biodiversity is defined as the totality of genes, species and ecosystems of a given region,
It is the variety and variability of life form (all animals, plants and microbes on earth) and the ecological complexes in which they occur.
The term was first coined by Walter G. Rosen(1985),however the term was popularized by the American socio-biologist Edward Wilson(1988)
the term biodiversity refers to the totality of genes, species,
and ecosystems of a region.
· Types of biodiversity described by Edward Wilson:
o Genetic diversity: A single species might show high diversity at the genetic level over its distributional range.
§ Medicinal plant Rauwolfia vomitoria of Himalayan range produces active chemical reserpine shows genetic variation.
§ India has more than 50000 different strain of rice.
§ 1000 varieties of mango.
· Species diversity: different species of a single animal like frog.
· Ecological diversity: diversity in the ecosystem level like desert, rain forest, mangroves, coral reef, wetlands, estuaries etc.
How many
species are there on Earth and How many in India?
According to IUCN (2004), 1.5 million of plants and animals are in our biosphere.
May places global species diversity at about 7 millions.
More than 70 percent of all the
species recorded are animals.
All plants constitute about 22 percent.
Among animals insects constitute 70 percent.
· India has only 2.4 percent of the world’s land area; its share of global species diversity is impressive 8.1 percent.
· India is considered one of the mega diversity countries of the world.
Pattern of Biodiversity:
Latitudinal gradients:
Species diversity decreases as we move
away from the equator towards the pole.
Tropic (23.5o N to 23.5o
S) harbors more species than temperate and pole
The largely tropical Amazonian rain
forest in South America has the greatest biodiversity on earth:
40,000 species of plants.
3000 species of fishes.
1300 of birds.
378 reptiles
More than 1, 25,000 invertebrates.
Why tropical rain forest has greater biodiversity:
· Unlike temperate regions subjected to frequent glaciations in the past, tropical latitudes have remained relatively undisturbed for millions of years and thus, had a long evolutionary time for species diversification.
· Tropical environments. Unlike temperate ones, are less seasonal, relatively more constant and predictable, promotes niche specialization and lead to greater species diversity.
· There is more solar energy available in the tropics, which contribute to higher productivity.
Species area relationship:
· ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT observed within a region species richness increased with increasing explored area but only up to a limit.
The relation between species richness and area for a wide variety of taxa turns out to be a rectangular hyperbola.
· On a logarithmic scale the relationship is a straight line describe by the equation
LogS = logC +Z log A Where S= species richness, A = Area, Z = slope of the line (regression coefficient), C = Y- intercept.
· It has been noted that regardless of the taxonomic group or region the slope of the regression line are amazingly
similar. However, for a very large area like the entire continent the slope of the line is steeper.
of species diversity to the Ecosystem:
· Community with more species generally tends to be more stable than those with less species.
· A stable community should not show too much variation in productivity from year to year; it must be resistant or resilient to occasional disturbances (natural or man-made)
· Stable community must be resistant to invasion by alien species.
David Tillman’s long-term field experiment finds that:
· Plots with more species showed less year to year variation in biomass
· Increased diversity contributed to higher productivity.
The rivet popper hypothesis:
· In an airplane (ecosystem) all parts are joined together by thousands of rivets (species).
· If every passenger starts popping a rivet to take home (species extinct), it may not affect flight safety initially but as more and more rivets are removed the plane becomes dangerously weak.
· Further more which rivet is removed may also be critical.
· Loss of rivets on the wings (key species) is obviously a more serious threat to flight safety than loss of a few rivets on the seats or windows inside the plane.
Loss of Biodiversity:
The IUCN Red List (2004) documents the extinction of 784 species.
· Recent extinction includes:
· Dodo (Mauritius).
· Quake (Africa)
· Thylacine (Australia)
· Stiller’s cow (Russia)
· Three subspecies of tiger (Bali, Java, Caspian).
· Since the origin and diversification of life on earth there were five episodes of mass extinction of species.
· The sixth mass Extinctions in progress now.
How the’ sixth Extinction’ is different from the previous five extinctions.
The current extinction rate is 100 to
1000 times faster.
All others are pre-human period, this
one is anthropogenic.
Effect of
biodiversity loss:
Decline in plant production.
· Lowered resistance to environmental perturbations such as drought.
· Increased variability in certain ecosystem processes such as plant productivity, water use, and pest and disease cycle.
Causes of
biodiversity loss:
The present loss is all due to human
activity (anthropogenic)
There are four major causes “The Evil Quartet” are as follows:
loss and fragmentation:
Most important cause driving animals
and plants to extinct.
· The tropical rain forest reduced to 6 % from 14 % of earth land surface.
· The Amazonian rain forest is called as ‘lungs of the planet ‘is being cut cleared for cultivating soya beans.
Degradation of many habitat by
pollution is also threatens the loss of diversity.
Large areas are broken into figments
also the cause of diversity loss.
· When ‘need’ turns to ‘greed’ it leads to over-exploitation of natural resources.
· Many species extinctions in the last 500 years (Stiller’s cow, passenger pigeons) were due to over- exploitation.
Many marine fish populations around
the world are over harvested.
species invasion:
· The alien species became invasive and cause decline or extinction of indigenous species.
· Nile perch introduced into Lake Victoria in east Africa led to extinction of 200 species of cichlid fish in the lake.
· Parthenium, (carrot grass), Lantana, and water hyacinth (Eichornia) posed a thread to indigenous species.
· African cat fish Clarias gariepinus for aquaculture purposed is posing a threat to indigenous catfishes in our rivers.
· When a species becomes extinct, the plant and animal species associated with it an obligatory way also become extinct.
· When a species becomes extinct, the plant and animal species associated with it an obligatory way also become extinct.
· Extinction of Host species leads to extinction of the parasite also.
· Co-evolved plant-pollinator mutualism where extinction of one invariably lead to the extinction of the other.
Why should we conserve Biodiversity?
Reason for conservation biodiversity is grouped into three categories.
a. Narrowly utilitarian.
b. Broadly utilitarian
c. Ethical
Narrowly utilitarian:
Human derive countless direct economic
benefits from nature-
Food (cereals, pulses, fruits),
firewood, fiber, construction material.
Industrial products (tannins,
lubricants, dyes, resins, perfumes)
· Products of medicinal importance.
· Bioprospecting: exploring molecular genetic and species-level diversity for products of economic importance.
· Amazonian forest along produce 20% of oxygen during photosynthesis.
· Pollinator layer: bees, bumblebees, birds and bat that pollinate the plant without which seed cannot be produced by plants.
· Aesthetic pleasure we get from the biodiversity.
How do we conserve biodiversity? In situ conservation:
· When we conserve and protect the whole ecosystem, its biodiversity at all level is protected – we save the entire forest to save the tiger. This approach is called in situ (on site) conservation.
· Biodiversity hot spot: regions with very high levels of species richness and high degree of endemism.(species confined to that region and not found anywhere else)
Hot spot in biodiversity is also
regions of accelerated habitat loss.
· Out of 34 hot spot in the world, three hot spot located in India:
a. Western Ghats and Srilanka.
b. Indo-Burma.
c. Himalaya.
· Other protected area under in situ conservations are:
a. 18 biosphere reserve-The first Biosphere Reserve in India is the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve .
b. 103 national park-A national park is an area set aside by a national government to preserve the natural environment. A national park may be set aside for purposes of public recreation and enjoyment or because of its historical or scientific interest.
c. 543 wild life sanctuary-A wildlife sanctuary is an area where animal habitats and their surroundings are protected from any sort of disturbance. The capturing, killing and poaching of animals is strictly prohibited in these regions.
Ex-situ conservation:
threatened animals and plants are taken out from their natural habitat and placed in special setting where they can be protected and given special care.
· Zoological Park.
Botanical garden
Wildlife safari.
· Conservation of gamete by cryopreservation.
· Genetic strains are preserved in seed bank. Convention on Biodiversity:
· “The earth Summit” held in Rio de Jeneiro in 1992 called upon all nations to take appropriate measures for conservation of biodiversity and sustainable utilization of its benefits.
World Summit on Sustainable development held in 2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa, 190 countries pledged their commitment to achieve by 2010 a significant reduction in the current rate of biodiversity loss at global, regional and local level.