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Saturday, January 2, 2021

Periodic classification of elements Quiz-1

Periodic classification of elements

Periodic classification of elements



Friday, January 1, 2021




A Group of teachers in a Common training Programme went for lunch in break. One of them, named Sandeep, felt Stomach Ache. Nurse madam was immediately called ,

She said that Mr. Sandeep has acidity problem. Mr Sandeep said that he had taken heavy oily food for breakfast. He felt relaxed soon after he was given ANTA-ACID(milk of magnesia, baking soda etc) .

 And also learnt about that one must have healthy food to avoid common digestion problems

Q.1. 1) The main cause of acidity is   

a) Bad food habit                                                           

b) Heavy oily and spicy food

c)Excess secretion of HCl in stomach                        

d) smoking habit

Ans- c)                      

 Q.1.2) A Country has a high number of acidity problems.  Can the following questions about acidity be answered by scientific experiments? Circle YES OR NO for each question.

a)Can this question about acidity be answered by scientific experiment?    (YES/NO)

b)what would be the effect of acidity after taking anta-acid?     (YES/NO)

c)how much should a person visit to the doctor?  (YES/NO)

    Ans- a) YES,     b)YES,      c) NO

Q)1.3-Which one of following is a function of anta-acid?

a)To reduce the effect of acid

b)To neutralize excess acid secreted by histamine

c)To make person relaxed due to chemical reaction

d)No effect

Ans-  both  a) and b)         

Q.1.4) What food habits are to be developed to avoid acidity?


Answer- a) taking food timely, avoid oily and junk food, regular exercise-       

Artificial sweetening agents


 Artificial sweetening agents

Artificial sweetening agents like saccharin, aspartame, sucralose, alitame(are artificial sweeteners) do not have any nutritional value. They do not provide calorie intake. Artificial sweeteners have a very great importance to diabetic persons and to the persons who need to control intake of calories. Some artificial sweeteners like aspartame can be used only in cold foods and soft drinks because they are not stable at high temperatures. Alitame is about 2000 times sweeter than sucrose.

saccharin- is Ortho-sulphobenzimide and fist popular artificial sweetening reagent, discovered in 1879. it is about 550 times as sweet as cane sugar. it is excreted from the body in urine unchanged

Aspartame- is the most successful and widely used artificial sweetener. it is about 100 times as sweet as cane sugar. it is methyl ester of dipeptide formed from aspartic acid and phenylalanine.

Alitame-is high potency sweetener, although it is more stable aspartame . the control of sweetness of food is difficult while using.

Sucralose- is trichloro derivative of sucrose. its taste and appearance like  sugar. it is stable at cooking temperature.


Question 2.1 The purpose of using artificial sweetening agents is-

(A)          As a source of instant energy to the body.

(B)         To give sweet taste .

(C)         To provide intake of calories  .

(D)        Both (B) and ( C) .


Question 2.2  - Aspartame can not be used in hot tea because-

(A)    It is stable at cooking temperature .

(B)    It decomposes in hot tea.

(C)    It does not provide calorie.

(D)   All of the above.


Question 2.3 --------- is trichloro derivative of sucrose.

Ans- Sucralose


  Oral rehydration Salts

ORS means Oral rehydration Salts we are taking in the form of solution to become more energetic during the summer seasons specially. Because more water and salts or ions from our body is released due to sweating and weakness caused. Some time extra water and ions are released from the body due to diarrhea, dysentery, vomiting also.

Physiologically the ORS provides us ions to maintain the nervous system transmission smoothly by Na, Cl, and K pumps during the nerve impulse as shown in the diagram. Water is the main component of blood which enhances the capacity of transportation along with these ions which are present in the form of ORS solutions. Hence we are prevented from internal organs failure also. That’s why Doctors are suggesting we keep this ORS in the form of first aid or keep it at home for personal safety purposes .

Question 1. Which one of them is essential for rehydration?

  (a)  Thumbs up

   (b)  Pepsi

   (c)  ORS

   (d)   Soft drink

Answer- c

Question 2. Ions essential for the maintaining of nervous system properly are

(a)  Cl, Ca and Mn

(b)  Ca, P and Mg

(c)   Na, K and Cl

(d)  Cl, Mn and Ca

      Answer -c

Question 3. True or False

        (i)     Soft drink rehydrates us due to we feel no thrusts.

        (ii)   ORS is exactly similar to common sarbat /sugar solution of India.

          Answer –Both (i) and (ii) are false                            

Question 4. Fill in the blank

      The full form of ORS is ……………

         Answer -oral rehydration salts

Question 5. Why ORS used as first aids?

      Answer – For rehydration, more energetic health, to maintain nerve cell function, preventing organ failure under dehydration condition, Refreshment, recharges us to perform more work, use as oral saline.

Haloalkane and haloarenes quiz-1

Haloalkanes and heloarenes

Haloalkanes and heloarenes



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1. Name the functional groups present in the following compounds. a)     CH 3  – CO –CH 2 –CH 2  –CH 2 –CH 3 b)    CH...