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Showing posts with label Chemistry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chemistry. Show all posts

Friday, June 17, 2022




1. Introduction 

2. Concentration terms

3. Solubility and Henry's Law


5. Raoult's Law




9. Relative lowering in vapour pressure of solvent

10. Elevation in boiling point (DTb) of solvent

11. Depression in freezing point (DTf) of solvent

12. Osmotic pressure (p or P) of solution

13 Type of solution on the basis of osmotic pressure

14. Reverse Osmosis and is application


16. Van't hoff factor

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

d-and f- block elements -Important key points & question -answer

  • The transition elements may be defined as the elements whose atoms or simple ions contain at least one partially filled  d –orbitals. 
  • Properties of these elements that are transitional between s & p block elements, there fore they are called as transition elements.
  • General electronic configuration of these elements as ns1-2 (n-1)d1-10 .
  • Lanthanides and actinides are called inner transition elements.  Their general electronic configuration is ns2(n-1)d0-1 (n-2)f1-14
  • Transition metals are having strong metallic bonding due to presence of large no. of valence electrons and greater nuclear charge.  Hence these are hard, possess high densities and high enthalpy of atomization.
  • Transition elements are having high melting and boiling points due to presence of large no. of half filled d – orbitals which causes strong inter particle attractions.
  • Ionization energy increases from left to right due to increase in the nuclear charge, as the increased nuclear charge is partly cancelled by screening effect there is no much increase.
  • The reduction potential values of transition elements varies irregularly because it depend up on Enthalpy sublimation, Ionisation energy and hydration energy.  All these values are irregularly changing hence their reduction potential values are also varies irregularly.
  • Atomic and ionic radii decreases to middle and become constant in middle and at the end it increases.  The variation is not much because increased nuclear charge is partly cancelled by screening effect.
  • Transition elements possess variable oxidation states(o.s.) due to involvement of both ns electrons and (n-1)d electrons in bonding.   Lower o.s is zero and highest is +8, +2 is the most common o.s.
  • Transition metals forms complex compounds due to small size, high charge density and presence of empty d- orbitals.
  • Transition elements forms colored complexes due to d – d transition.
  • The transition metals ions generally contain one or more unpaired electrons in them and hence their complexes are generally paramagnetic.  If a metal ion does not have at least one electron it behave as diamagnetic.
  • Transition metal ions and their compounds known to act as catalysts.  The catalytic activity of compounds is due to variable oxidation states, and providing surface for adsorption.
  • Transition metals are almost similar size, there fore these elements can mutually substitute their positions in their crystal lattices and forms alloys.
  • Transition elements are capable of entrapping smaller atoms of other elements such as H, C & N in the interstitial position and the trapped atoms get bonded with transition elements.  And these compounds are known as interstitial compounds.  Example Steel.
  • Preparation of potassium dichromate from chromite involves the following steps( in current syllabus it has been removed) 

      The chromite ore is finely ground and heated strongly with  molten alkali in  the  presence of air.

       2FeCr2O4 + 8NaOH + 7 ½ O2 à 4Na2CrO4 + Fe2O3 + 4H2O

       The solution of sodium chromate is filtered and acidified with dilute sulphuric acid so that sodiumdichromate is  obtained.

       2NaCrO4 + H2SO4 à Na2Cr2O7 + Na2SO4 + H2O

       A calculated quatity of potassium chloride is added to a hot  oncentrated

       solution of sodium dichromate. Potassium dichromate is less   soluble therefore  it crystallizes out first.

       Na2Cr2O7+ 2KCl à K2Cr2O7 + 2NaCl

§     In alkaline solution dichromate which is orange in colour is converted to chromate which is yellow. The acidification reverses the reaction.( in current syllabus it has been removed) 

2CrO4 2-   + 2H+ à  2HCrO4- à Cr2O7 2-    +  H2O        (reversible)

 a)It oxidizes potassium iodide to iodine

  Cr2O7 2-    + 14H+ + 6I-   à 2Cr3+  +  7H2O  + 3I2

  b)It oxidizes iron (ii) solution to iron(III) solution

  Cr2O7 2-    + 14H+ + 6Fe2+  à 2Cr3+  +  7H2O  + 6Fe3+

   c) It oxidizes H2S to S

     Cr2O7 2-    + 8H+ + 3H2S   à 2Cr3+  +  7H2O  + 3S

 §     Pyrolusite ore is fused with alkali in the presence of air when potassium manganate is formed.( in current syllabus it has been removed) 

2MnO2 + 4KOH + O2 à 2K2MnO4  + 2H2O

Potassium manganate is oxidized by using either CO2, ozone or chlorine to potassium permanganate.

2K2MnO4 + Cl2 à 2KMnO4 + 2KCl

Potassium permanganate is crystallized from the solution

a)     It oxidizes iron(II)salts to iron(III) salts.

MnO4-  + 8H+    + 5Fe2+   àMn2+   + 4H2O  + 5Fe3+

b)It oxidizes SO2 to sulphuric acid

2MnO4+ 5SO2 + 2H2Oà 5SO4 2- + 2Mn2+  +    4H+

b)    It oxidizes oxalic acid to CO2 and H2O

2MnO4+ 16H+  + 5C2O42-  à 2Mn2+  +  8H2O  + 10CO2

§  Elements which have partly filled f-orbitals. There are two series of inner transition elements. In the first series of inner transition elements the 4f orbitals are incomplete and electrons are progressively filled in these orbitals as atomic number increases. These elements are called lanthanoids. In the second series of transition elements the electrons  are progressively filled in 5f- orbitals as atomic no. increases. These elements are called actinoids.

§  As we move from La to Lu there is a gradual decrease in size .The steady decrease in size from La to Lu is called lanthanide contraction. This is due to poor shielding effect of    4f  orbitals.

§  The important consequences are

1.     Similarities in the properties of Y and heavier lanthanides .

2.     Similar atomic radii of second and third transition series.

3.     Separation becomes difficult

4.   Causes small differences in the properties like basicity,  solubility of salts, formation of complexes, etc.

§  Colour of the salts and ions in solution Most of the lanthanide trivalent ions are coloured in solid as well as in the solution phase. The ions containing x and (14 – x) electrons show the same colour. The colour of the salts or ions is due to the f f transition of electrons.


1. Give two use of lanthanide compounds.

Ans. (i) Misch metal is pyrophoric and used in gas lightness, tracer bullets and shell.

         (ii) Oxides of neodymium and praseodymium are used for making colour glasses.

2. why the melting points of transition elements are high ?

Ans. The melting points of transition elements are high due to the presence of strong   Intermetallic bonds and covalent bonds.

3. Why Zn, Cd and Hg are not regarded as transition elements ?

Ans. Because they have the completely filled d-subshell with outer electronic  configuration (n –1)d10 ns2.

4. Why is K2Cr2O7 generally preferred over Na2Cr2O7 in volumetric analysis   although both are oxidising agents ?

Ans. Because Na2Cr2O7 is hygroscopic, hence it is difficult to prepare its standard  solution for volumetric analysis, but because of non hygroscopic nature of K2Cr2O7 its standard solution can be prepared.

 5. Write any two uses of pyrophoric alloys.

Ans. Pyrophoric alloys contain rare earth metals and are used in the preparation  of ignition and shells and flints for lightness.

  6. Why do Zr and Hf exhibit similar properties ?

Ans. Because of the lanthanide contraction Hf has similar size to Zr, therefore both  Zr and Hf exhibit similar properties.

 7. In the transition servies, with an increase in atomic number      the atomic radius   does not change very much, why is it so ?

    Ans. In the transition series, the effect of increasing nuclear     change is partly   cancelled by the increased screening effect of     the d- electrons of penultimate   shell. Because of this reason, the     atomic radius does not change very much in the   transition series.

8. Why is the third ionization energy of manganese unexpectedly      high ?

Ans. Third electron of the manganese is removed from 3d-orbitals     which have half  filled configuration, thus have extra stability.     Due to this reason high enegy is  required to remove third electron   from Mn.

9. All scandium salts are white. Why ?

Ans. Because they have no electron in d-orbital, thus no d - d      transition is possible.Due to this reason all salts of Sc3+ are white.

10. The first ionisations energies of the 5d-transition elements are higher then   those of 3d and 4 d transition elements.  Why?

Ans:- Due to  Lanthanoid contraction

11. Why do the d-block elements exhibit a longer number of oxidation states than  f-block elements ?

Ans. Because the energy of ns-electron and (n – 1) d-electrons are nearly same, therefore, ns electrons as well as (n – 1) d- electrons can take part in bond formation in transition elements.In fblock elements last electron goes to the   f-orbitals of second order outer most shell, thus the difference between the energy of ns-electron and (n – 2) f-electrons increases. Due to this reasons   all the (n – 2) f-electrons cannot take point in bond formation.

12. Explain why the first ionisation energies of the elements of  the first transition series do not vary much with increasing  atomic numbers.

Ans. With the increasing atomic number, d-electrons add one by      one in (n – 1) shell   or penultimate shell. The screening effect of these d- electrons shield the outer  s-electrons from inward nuclear pull. The effect of the increase in nuclear charge with the increase in atomic number is opposed by the shielding effect of   d-electrons . thus due to these counter effect there is a very little variations in thvalues of ionization energies of first transition series.

13. Explain why transition metals are paramagenetic ?

 Ans. The ions of transition metals generally contain one or more      unpaired electrons  hence the compounds of transition metal are      paramagnetic i.e., they are weakly  attracted by magnetic field.The paramagnetic character is directly related to the  value of       magnetic moment, m which intern depends upon the number of unpaired electrons (n) i.e., B.M. = Ö n + (n + 2)

 14. Give plausible reason for the fact that transition metals have       high enthalpy of atomization.?

Ans. Transition elements are metallic in nature and form strong       metallic bonds. Moreever, they have incomplete d-orbitals,       hencey they can form covalent bonds also. Due to these two       reasons transition metals have strong force of attraction.      Therefore, they have high enthalpy of atomization.

15. What is the effect of pH on the color of the solution of  potassium dichromate ?

 Ans. A lower pH, the colour of the solution is orange due to the       solution is orange due To the presence of dichromate ions       (Cr2O7 2–). But in alkaline PH, the colour of  the solution changes        to yellow due to the conversion of dichromate ions to  chromate ions.

2CrO4 2-   + 2H+ ↔  2HCrO4- ↔ Cr2O7 2-    +  H2O     (reversible)

16. Why the compounds of transitions elements are coloured ?

Ans. The colour of compounds of transition elements depend upon the unpaired  electrons present in d-orbitals fo transition element. If d-orbitals are completely  vacant or completely filled the compounds will be colourless, but if any  unpaired electron      is present in d-orbital, the compound will be coloured due to

d - d transition. The unpaired electron is excited from one energy level to another energy level with in the same d-sub- shell. For this purpose, the energy  is absorbed from visible region of radiation. The complementary part of the absorbed light i.e., reflected light will decide the colour of the  compound.

17. Why the transition elements act as catalyst? Give two  examples.?

Ans. (a) Transition metal show variable oxidation states, therefore, they can from intermediate products of difficult  reactant molecules.

(b) Transition elements are capable to form interstitial compounds due to which they can absorb and activates the  reacting molecules.


(a) V2O5 is used for the oxidation of SO2 to SO3 in contact process of H2SO4.

(b) Ni is used as a catalyst in the hydrogenation of alkanes and alkynes

18. Why transition elements form

(a) interstitial compounds and       

 (b) Alloys?

Ans. (a) Interstitial compounds: Transition elements form large number of interstitial compounds.

In these compounds small size atoms like hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, nitrogen, boron etc. occupy the empty space of metal lattice. The small entrapped atom in the interstices forms the bonds with metals due to which malleability and ductility of the metals decrease, whereas tensile strength increases.

 (b) Alloys: Transition element forms alloys with each other                   

because they have almost similar sizes. Due to similar sizes atoms of one metal in the crystal lattice can easily take up the position of the atom of transition elements. Alloys are more resistant to corrosion than the

constituent elements, and usually harder with higher melting point.

19. Why are Ni2+ compounds thermodynamically more stable than Pt2+ compounds, whilst Pt4+ compounds are relatively more stable than Ni4+ compounds?

Ans. Thermodynamic stability of the compounds can be judged on the basis of the magnitude of ionization energies. The sum of the two first ionization energies of   Ni2+ is lower than the sum of first two ionization energies of Pt2+, therefore, Ni2+

 compounds are more stable than Pt2+. On the other hand, sum of first four ionization energies of Pt4+ lower than the sum of the first four ionization energies of Ni4+, therefore, Pt4+ compounds are more stable than Ni4+.

20. Name a transition metal which does not exhibit variation in   oxidation state in its compounds?

Ans. Zinc in its compounds shows an oxidation state of + 2 only.

21.  Why is + 2 oxidation state of manganese (Z = 25) more stable than its + 3 oxidation state, while the same is not true for iron (Z = 26)?

Ans. The electronic configurations of Mn2+, Mn3+, Fe2+ and   Fe3+ are,

Mn2+: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d 5 4s0

Mn3+: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d 4

Fe2+: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d 6 4s0

 Fe3+: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d 5

Due to the extra stability of the half-filled orbitals d 5 configuration is more stable than d 4 or d 6. Mn2+ and Fe3+ both have d 5 configuration. Therefore, Mn2+ is more stable than Mn3+ and Fe3+ is more stable than Fe2+. 

22. Of the ions Co2+, Sc3+ and Cr3+ which ones will give coloured aqueous  solutions and how will each of them respond to a       magnetic field and why?

  (Atomic numbers: Co = 27, Sc = 21, Cr = 24)

Ans. The electronic configurations of the given ions are,

Co2+ : 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d7 No. of unpaired electrons = 3

Sc3+ : 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d0 No. of unpaired electrons = 0

Cr3+ : 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d3 No. of unpaired electrons = 3

Co2+ and Cr3+ ions will give coloured aqueous solutions. Co2+  and Cr3+ are paramagnetic, and Sc3+ is diamagnetic. Therefore, Co2+ and Cr3+ ions will get attracted to the magnetic field, whereas Sc3+ ion will be repelled by the magnetic field.

23. Why is it that anhydrous copper (II) chloride is a covalent while anhydrous copper (II) fluoride is ionic in nature?

Ans. This is because in halides of transition metals, the ionic  character decreases with      increase in atomic mass of the halogen. Fluorine being the most electronegative, forms ionic        salt with copper. Cupric chloride consists of infinite chains consisting of bridging Cl atoms and has a covalent character.

24. (a) Assign reason for each of the following:

(i) Ce3+ can be easily oxidised to Ce4+.

(ii) E° for Mn3+/Mn2+ couple is more positive than for                   Fe3+/Fe2+.

(iii) Transition metals exhibit higher enthalpies of                      atomization.

(iv) The transition elements form interstitial compounds.

(b) Mention two uses of potassium permanganate in the  laboratory.  (Atomic number: Mn = 25, Fe = 26, Ce = 58)

Ans. (i) Ce3+ has only one electron in its 4f orbitals. Due to extra stability of  completely  empty orbitals belonging to an energy level as compared to having only one   electron in it, Ce3+ tends to lose its only electron from  4f orbital and get oxidised to  Ce4+.

(ii) Mn3+ has a 4d  configurtion, so it has greater tendency to accept one  electron to acquire d 5 configuration. On the other hand, Fe3+ has a d5   configuration which is more stable than the6d`6 configuration of Fe2+. As a result, reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ is not favoured. Since,  E° values reflect the reduction tendency, therefore, E° value for   Mn3+/Mn2+ couple is more positive than Fe3+/Fe2+.

(iii) Transition metals exhibit high enthalpies of atomisation. This is because  the atoms in these elements are held together by strong metallic bonds. The metallic bond is formed as a result of interaction of electrons in the  outermost shells. In general, greater the number of valence electrons  stronger is the metallic bond.

(iv) The transition metals form a number of interstitial compounds in which    small atoms of light elements such  as,  H, C and N occupy the voids in their   lattices. The products   obtained in this way are hard and rigid. For example, steel   and cast iron become hard due to the  formation of an   interstitial compound with  carbon.

(b) The uses of potassium permanganate in the laboratory are

(i) As an oxidising agent,

 (ii) In volumetric estimation of reducing agents such as Fe2+ salts,   oxalic acid etc.

25. Name a transition element which does not exhibit variable  oxidation state?

Ans:- Scandium ( Z = 21) does not exhibit variable oxidation state.

26. Why is Cr+2reducing and Mn+3 oxidising when both have d4  configuration?

Ans:- Cr+2 is reducing as its configuration changes from d4 to d5, the latter having a half filled t2g level. On the other hand the change from Mn+2 to Mn+3 results in the half – filled (d5) configuration which has extra stability. 

27. How would you account for the increasing oxidizing power  in  the series VO2+  < Cr2O72-‑  <  MnO4-?

Ans:- This is due to the increasing stability of the lower species  to which they are reduced.

28. How would you account for the irregular variation of ionization enthalpies (first and second ) in  the first series  of the transition elements?

Ans:- Irregular variation of ionization enthalpies is mainly       attributed to varying degree of  stability of different 3d   configurations (e.g. d0,  d5,  d10 are exceptionally stable.

 29. In the series Sc(Z=21) to Zn (Z=30) the enthalpy of  atomization of zinc is the lowest i.e. 126kJ/mol, why?

Ans:- In the formation of metallic bonds, no electrons from 3d-  orbitals are involved in case of   zinc, while in all other metals        of the 3d series, electrons from the d-orbitals are always involved in the formation of metallic bonds.

30. Which is a stronger reducing agent Cr+2 or Fe+2?

      Ans:- Cr+2 is stronger reducing agent than Fe+2 Because d4 à d3       occurs in case of Cr+2 to Cr+3   but d6 à d5 occurs in   case of       Fe+2 to Fe3+. In a medium (like water) d3 is more stable  as  compared to d5.

31. Why is the highest oxidation state of a metal exhibited in its oxide or fluoride only?

 Ans:- Because of small size and high electronegativity oxygen or fluorine can oxidize the metal  to its highest oxidation state.

32. What is meant by disproportionation of an oxidation state?  Give an example?      Ans:- When a particular oxidation state becomes less stable relative to other oxidation states,  one lower, one higher, it is said to undergo disportionation. For example, manganese(VI) becomes unstable relative to Manganese(VII) and manganese (IV) in acidic solution.

  MnVIO42-    +   4H+    à    2MnVIIO4-   + MnIVO2   +   2H2O

33. Explain why Cu+ ion is not stable in aqueous solution?

 Ans:-   Cu+ in aqueous solution undergoes disproportionation   i.e.,

 2Cu+(aq.)  à Cu+2(aq.)   +  Cu(s), The E0 value for this is favourable.

34. Name a member of the lanthanoid series which is well known  to exhibit +4 oxidation state?

Ans:-   Cerium (Z = 58)

35. Actinoid contraction is greater from element to element than lanthanoid contraction. Why?

Ans:- The 5f electrons are more effectively  shielded from nuclear charge, In other words the 5f electrons themselves  provide poor shielding from element to element in the series. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

CHEMISTRY PREBOARD –I Question paper (2020 -21) CLASS- XII With answer


       PREBOARD –I (2020 -21)

CLASS- XII                           CHEMISTRY THEORY (043)                         

 MM : 70                                                         Time: 3 Hours 

General Instructions. Read the following instructions carefully. 

a) There are 33 questions in this question paper. All questions are compulsory.

b) Section A: Q. No. 1 to 2 are case-based questions having four MCQs or Reason Assertion type based on given passage each carrying 1 mark.

c) Section A: Question 3 to 16 are MCQs and Reason Assertion type questions carrying 1 mark each

d) Section B: Q. No. 17 to 25 are short answer questions and carry 2 marks each.

e) Section C: Q. No. 26 to 30 are short answer questions and carry 3 marks each.

f) Section D: Q. No. 31 to 33 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks each.

g) There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided.

h) Use of calculators and log tables is not permitted.


1. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions: (1x4=4)

Alcohols are classified into three types i.e., primary, secondary and tertiary, depending upon the

nature of the carbon atom to which the alcoholic (-OH) group is attached. These have common

physical as well as chemical characteristics. However, they differ in their relative reactivities

towards different reagents. The popular tests which can distinguish the three types of alcohols are

Victor Meyer’s test and Lucas reagent test.


The following questions are multiple choice questions. Choose the most appropriate answer:  

(i)              In Lucas test, turbidity appears on heating. Predict the nature of alcohol.


a) Primary alcohol

b) Secondary alcohol

c) Tertiary alcohol

d) Butan-2-ol

(ii)            What is the correct order of reactivity of the alcohols involving the cleavage of C-OH bond?


a) Methyl alcohol >Ethyl alcohol>Isopropyl alcohol>tertiary butyl alcohol

b) Tertiary alcohol>isopropyl alcohol>ethyl alcohol>methyl alcohol

c) Isopropyl alcohol>tertiary alcohol>ethyl alcohol>methyl alcohol

d) Tertiary alcohol>ethyl alcohol>isopropyl alcohol>methyl alcohol


 Which of the following is a secondary allylic alcohol?


a) But-3-en-2-ol

b) But-2-en-2-ol

c) Prop-2-enol

d) Butan-2-ol


(iii) Out of water, tert-butyl alcohol, propan-2-ol and ethyl alcohol, which is most acidic?

a) tert-butyl alcohol

b) propan-2-ol

c) ethyl alcohol

d) water


(iv) An organic compound ‘X’ with molecular formula C3H8O on heating with copper

gives compound ‘Y’ which reduces Tollen’s reagent. ‘X’ on reaction with sodium

metal gives ‘Z’ . What is the product of reaction of ‘Z’ with 2- chloro-2-methylpropane?


a) CH3CH2CH2OC(CH3)3

b) CH3CH2OC(CH3)3

c) CH2=C(CH3)2

d) CH3CH2CH=C(CH3)2


Read the passage given below and answer the following questions: (1x4=4)


It is often recommended that the first aid kit to be kept in the houses must have a small lump of alum. In case, bleeding occurs while doing shave in the bathroom or from a knife cut in the kitchen, alum should be immediately rubbed on the affected portion. Bleeding stops and medical aid if required, can be obtained later on.


2. In these questions (Q. No 5-8 , a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason

is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.


a) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanation for assertion.

b) Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct explanation for assertion.

c) Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.

d) Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement.


(i) Assertion: Bleeding stops when alum is rubbed on the affected portion.

     Reason: Alum can be used to remove colloidal impurities from water.


(ii) Assertion: Excess of electrolyte can bring about coagulation of colloidal solution.

      Reason: The flocculating ion of the electrolyte removes the charge from the sol particles.


(iii) Assertion: Coagulation power of Al+3 is more than that of Na+

       Reason: Greater the valency of the flocculating ion added, greater is its power to cause coagulation           (Hardy-Schulze rule)


(iv) Assertion: Addition of gelatin to a lyophobic sol may result in to its coagulation

       Reason: Smaller the gold number of protective colloid, greater will be its protective power.



Assertion: persistent dialysis may also result in to coagulation of a lyophobic colloid.

Reason: Electrophoresis involves the migration of dispersion medium under the influence of  electric field when the dispersed phase particles are prevented from moving.


Following questions (No. 3 -11) are multiple choice questions carrying 1 mark each:


3   Which of the following option will be the limiting molar conductivity of CH3COOH if the limiting molar     conductivity of CH3COONa is 91 Scm2mol-1? Limiting molar conductivity for individual ions are given in the following table.




limiting molar conductivity / Scm2mol-1













a) 350 Scm2mol-1                                 b) 375.3 Scm2mol-1

c) 390.5 Scm2mol-1                              d) 340.4 Scm2mol-1

4. Proteins are found to have two different types of secondary structures viz. α-helix and β-pleated sheet        structure, α-helix structure of protein is stabilized by:


a) Peptide bonds

b) Van der Waal’s forces

c) Hydrogen bonds

d) Dipole-dipole interactions. 



   Curdling of milk is an example of:

a) breaking of peptide linkage

b) hydrolysis of lactose

c) breaking of protein into amino acids

d) denauration of proetin


5. A binary solution is prepared by mixing n-heptane and ethanol. Which one of the following

    statements is correct regarding the behaviour of the solution?

a) The solution formed is an ideal solution

b) The solution is non-ideal showing positive deviation from Raoult’s law.

c) The solution is non-ideal showing negative deviation from Raoult’s law.

d) n-heptane shows positive deviation while ethanol shows negative deviation from Raoult’s law.


6. Because of lanthanoid contraction:


a) separation of the lanthanoid elements become difficult.

b) there is a very small difference in the atomic size of the transition metals of 5th and 6th period

   in the same group.

c) there is a gradual decrease in the basic strength of the hydroxides of lanthanoids

d) all are correct



Which of the following is a diamagnetic ion:

(Atomic numbers of Cr, Mn, Ni and Cu are 24, 25, 28 and 29 respectively)

a) Cr2+

b) Cu+

c) Ni2+

d) Mn2+

7. Method by which aniline cannot be prepared is

a) degradation of benzamide with bromine in alkaline solution

b) reduction of nitrobenzene with H2/Pd in ethanol

c) potassium salt of phthalimide treated with chlorobenzene followed by hydrolysis with aqueous

sodium hydroxide solution

d) hydrolysis of phenylisocyanide with acidic solution


IUPAC name of product formed by reaction of methyl amine with two moles of ethyl chloride

a) N,N-Dimethylethanamine

b) N,N-Diethylmethanamine

c) N-Methyl ethanamine

d) N-Ethyl - N-methylethanamine

8. What is the correct electronic configuration of the central atom in [Co(H2O)6]Cl3 based on crystal

    field theory?                                                                                                                                           

a) e4t22

b) t2g4eg2

c) t2g6eg0

d) e2t24


Which is true for the complex [Ni(en)2]2+ ?

a) paramagnetic, dsp2, square planar, CN of Ni = 2

b) diamagnetic, dsp2, square planar, CN of Ni = 4

c) diamagnetic, sp3, tetrahedral, CN of Ni = 4

d) paramagnetic, sp3, square planar, CN of Ni = 4


9. The oxidation states of Cr in [Cr(H2O)6]Cl3, [Cr(C6H6)2] and K2[Cr(CN)2(ox)(SO4)2] respectively are

a) +3, +2 and +4

b) +3, 0 and +6

c) +3, +4 and +6

d) +3, 0 and +4

10. Identify A,B,C and D:


a) A = C2H4, B= C2H5OH, C= C2H5NC, D= C2H5CN

b) A= C2H5OH, B= C2H4, C = C2H5CN, D=C2H5NC 

c) A = C2H4, B= C2H5OH, C= C2H5CN, D= C2H5NC

d) A= C2H5OH, B= C2H4, C= C2H5NC, D= C2H5CN


11.The crystal showing Frenkel defect is :




( c)

(d )


In the following questions (Q. No. 12 - 16) a statement of assertion followed by a statement of

reason is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.


a) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanation for assertion.

b) Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct explanation for assertion.

c) Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.

d) Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement.


12. Assertion: Deoxyribose, C5H10O4 is not a carbohydrate.


Reason: Carbohydrates are optically active polyhydroxy aldehyde or ketone or the compound which produce such units on hydrolysis.


13. Assertion: Sulphur exhibits paramagnetic behaviour in the vapour state.

Reason: In vapour state, sulphur partly exists as S2 molecules which have two unpaired electrons in       antibonding π* orbital.


14. Assertion: Osmotic pressure is a colligative property.

Reason: Osmotic pressure is directly proportional to molarity. 


Assertion: Acetone-aniline mixtures shows negative deviation from Raoult’s law

Reason: H-bonding between acetone and aniline is stronger than that between acetone- acetone

              and aniline-aniline.


15. Assertion: The pKa of acetic acid is lower than that of phenol.

Reason: Phenoxide ion is more resonance stabilized than acetate ion.


16. Assertion: tert-Butyl methyl ether on treatment with HI at 373 K gives a mixture of methyl alcohol and          tert-butyl iodide.

Reason: The reaction occurs by SN2 mechanism.




The following questions, Q.No 17 25 are short answer type and carry 2 marks each.


17. With the help of resonating structures explain the effect of presence of nitro group at ortho position     in chlorobenzene.



Carry out the following conversions in not more than 2 steps:                                                                                     (i)  Aniline to chlorobenzene

(ii) 2-bromopropane to 1- bromopropane


18.   5% aqueous solution of a non-volatile solute was made and its vapour pressure at 373 K was

        found to be 745 mm. Calculate the molar mass of solute.


19.  (i) Using the valence bond approach, write the hybridization of iron ion in the following

       complex ion. Also predict its magnetic behaviour :[Fe(H2O)6]Cl3

       (ii)Write the IUPAC name of the coordination complex: [CoCl2(en)2]NO3


(i) What is meant by chelate effect? Give an example.

(ii) Predict the geometry and magnetic moment of [NiCl4]2- ion.


20. The decomposition of NH3 on platinum surface is zero order reaction. What are the rates of

       production of N2 and H2 if k = 2.5 × 10-4  mol L-1 s-1 ?


                                                                                                                                                                                          The following results have been obtained during the kinetic studies of the reaction:


P + 2Q à R + 2S Exp.

Initial P(mol/L)

Initial Q (mol/L)

Init. Rate of Formation of R (M min-1)




3.0 x 10-4




9.0 x 10-4




3.0 x 10-4




6.0 x 10-4

Determine the rate law expression for the reaction.

21. The C-14 content of an ancient piece of wood was found to have three tenths of that in living trees.          How old is that piece of wood ?  (log 3= 0.4771, log 7 = 0.8540 , Half-life of C-14 = 5730 years ) 

 22. Give a mechanism for following  reaction:

  (CH3)3CBr  +  OH -   à  (CH3)3COH  + Br-

23.  Draw the structure of the following compounds:

       (a) H2S2O8

       (b) XeOF4


24. (a) Write chemical equations for Reimer Tiemann reaction?

      (b) Which compound out of the following pairs will react faster in SN2 reaction and why ?

      CH2=CHBr  or  CH2=CHCH2Br.

25.  A compound is consist of three element  P, Q  and R . Atoms of element P form ccp lattice and those of the element Q occupy 1/3rd of tetrahedral voids and those of the element R occupy2/3rd of octahedral voids. What is the formula of the compound formed by the elements P, Q and R?



Q.No 26 - 30 are Short Answer Type II carrying 3 mark each.


26. Give reasons for the following:

      i. Transition elements exhibit variable oxidation states .

      ii. Zirconium and hafnium have almost similar atomic radii.

      iii. Cu+ ion is not known in aqueous solution.




Observed and calculated values for the standard electrode potentials of elements from Ti to Zn in

the first reactivity series are depicted in figure (1):

                  FIGURE 1 (source NCERT)

Explain the following observations:

i. The general trend towards less negative Eo values across the series

ii. The unique behaviour of Copper

iii. More negative Eo values of Mn and Zn

27.  Arrange the following in increasing order of property specified:

       i. triethylamine, ethanamine, diethylethanamine (solubility in water)

       ii. C4H9NH2, C2H5N(CH3)2 , (C2H5)2NH (boiling point)

       iii. Ethanamine, N-Ethyl ethanamine, N,N-Diethyl ehanamine (Basic strength)



      i. Give a chemical test to distinguish between aniline and N,N-dimethylaniline.

      ii. Write chemical equations for Hoffmann bromamide degradation reaction.

      iii. Methyl amine is soluble in water but not aniline. Explain.


28. An element ‘X’ (atomic mass = 40 g mol-1) having fcc structure, has unit cell edge length of 400 pm.      Calculate the density of ‘X’ and the number of unit cells in 4 g of ‘X’.


29.  (i) what is the effect of denaturation on the structure of proteins?

       (ii) What is the difference between a nucleoside and nucleotide?

       (iii) Represent Alanine in the zwitter ionic form.


30.  i. Explain why N does not form pentahalides while phosphorus does.

       ii. . Arrange the following in decreasing order of bond dissociation enthalpy                                                                                                                             F2 ,  Cl2 ,   Br2 ,  I2

      iii. Electron gain enthalpy of fluorine is less negative than chlorine. Justify




Q.No 31 to 33 are long answer type carrying 5 marks each.


31.  Answer the following questions:                                                                                          (2+3)

  (i) Write the balanced chemical reaction for reaction of Cl2 with hot and concentrated NaOH.

  (ii) Complete the following chemical equations:

        (a)  PbS + O3 à

        (b) H2SO4 + Cu à

  (iii) Give reason

(a)    Amongst all noble gases only xenon is known to form compounds with oxygen and fluorine.

(b)    I-Cl is more reactive than I2 .





Answer the following questions:                                                                                                   (1+4)

(i) Arrange the following in the increasing order of basic strength: (Give reason)

     NH3, PH3, AsH3, SbH3, BiH3

(ii) Account for the following observation

 (a) Acidity of oxo –acids of chlorine is HOCl < HOClO < HOClO2 < HOClO3.

 (b) Nitrogen can’t form compounds like R3N=O, while phosphorus can form R3P=O .

 (c) Fluorine never acts as the central atom in polyatomic interhalogen compounds.

(iii) Complete the following reaction:

     XeF6 + 3H2O     à



32. An organic compound ‘A’ C8H6 on treatment with dilute H2SO4 containing mercuric sulphate gives compound ‘B’. This compound ‘B’ can also be obtained from a reaction of benzene with acetyl chloride in presence of anhy AlCl3. ‘B’ on treatment with I2 in aq. KOH gives ‘C’ and a yellow compound ‘D’. Identify A, B, C and D. Give the chemical reactions involved.                                                                (5)



(i) Give a chemical reaction to distinguish between methanol and ethanol.                               (1+3+1)

(ii) How will you carry out the following conversions:

a) Benzaldehyde to α-hydroxyphenylacetic acid

b) Propanone to propene

(iii) Arrange the following in increasing order of acidic character:

  CH3COOH,  HCOOH,  C6H5OH,  2,4,6-trinitrophenol


33. (i) How conductivity is affected with dilution?                                                                    (1+3+1)

(ii) Calculate the emf of the following cell at 298 K:

Al(s)/Al3+ (0.15M)//Ni2+ (0.025M) /Ni(s)

(Given Eo(Al3+ Al) = -1.66 V, Eo(Ni2+ /Ni) = 0.25V, log 0.15 = -0.8239, log 0.025 = -1.6020)

(iii)           Calculate ∆Go for above cell reaction.




(i) Why on dilution the molar conductivity of CH3COOH increases drastically, while that of

       CH3COONa increases gradually?

(ii) A strip of nickel metal is placed in a 1 molar solution of Ni(NO3)2 and a strip of silver metal is placed on a 1-molar solution of AgNO3. An electrochemical cell is created when the two solutions are connected by a salt bridge and the two strips are connected by wires to a voltmeter.

Calculate the cell potential, E, at 25oC for the cell if the initial concentration of  Ni(NO3)2 is 0.100 molar and the initial concentration of AgNO3 is 1.00 molar.

[EoNi2+/Ni = -0.25 V,   EoAg+/Ag = 0.80 V,  log 10-1 = -1

 (iii) ) The conductivity of 0.20 M solution of KCl at 298 K is 0.025 S cm-1.                              Calculate its molar conductivity.                                                                      



PREBOARD - I   (2020 – 2021) CHEMISTRY – XII                                                          





            1 i






        or ii









                    2 i












                    Or iv









      Or 4









        Or 6 or or 













      Or 8  or or 





















    Or 14













(I)  C6H5NH2   -------- NaNO2 +HCl /273 -278 K ---à C6H5N2Cl  -----CuCl/HCl   ---à C6H5Cl

(ii)  CH3CH(Br)CH3  ---alc KOH à CH3CH=CH2   -----  HBr/ peroxide à CH3CH2CH2Br     




760-745/760 =  5X 18/ MB X 95

MB  = 24 g/mol


½+1 +1/2


(i)d2sp3 hybridisation, magnetic moment = 5.9 BM                                               (ii)Dichloridobis(ethane -1,2-diammine)cobalt (III) nitrate

1/2 +1/2 +1      




(i)Whenever a central metal ion is surrounded by poly dentate ligand to form ring type /cyclic structure is called chelate ex  [Co(en)3]+3

(ii) tetrahedral , magnetic moment = 2.83 BM


1 +1








Or 20 or

For the reaction ,  2NH3  à N2  +3H2

Reaction rate = -1/2x d[NH3]/dt  =  d[N2]/dt  = 1/3x d[H2]/dt  = k[NH3]O  =K

Then , this relationship,

Rate of production of N= d[N2]/dt =k = 2.5 x 10-4 mol L -1S-1

Rate of production of H= d[H2]/dt = 3k =  3X2.5 x 10-4 = 7.5 X 10-4 mol L -1S-1


Let the rate law expression be

 Rate   Ro  = K [P]m [Q] n  

Using the given data

  3.0x 10-4  = K[0.10]m [0.10] n     eqn  (i)                                                                                                    9.0x 10-4  = K[0.30]m [0.30] n     eqn  (ii)

  3.0x 10-4  = K[0.10]m [0.30] n     eqn  (iii)

  6.0x 10-4  = K[0.20]m [0.40] n     eqn  (iv)

From  eqn  (iii)/ eqn  (i)    3.0x 10-4  / 3.0x 10-4   = K[0.10]m [0.30] n / K[0.10]m [0.10] n    

1  = (3)n ,  (3)0  =  (3)n   , n = 0    

From  eqn  (ii)/ eqn  (iii)    9.0x 10-4  / 3.0x 10-4   = K[0.30]m [0.30] n / K[0.10]m [0.30] n    

3 = (3)m ,  (3)1  =  (3)m   , m = 1

Thus the rate law expression for the reaction is     

Rate  = K [P]1 [Q] 0   

½ x4










½ x4


k = 0.693/t1/2

k = 0.693/5730 years-1

t = 2.303/ k log Co/Ct


let Co = 1, Ct = 3/10 so Co/Ct = 1/ (3/10) = 10/3

t = 2.303 x 5730/0.693 log 10/3


t  = 9957 years












 (b) XeOF4 




(b)   CH2=CHCH2Br will react faster in SN2 reaction than CH2=CHBr  because in CH2=CHCH2Br , Br is attached sp3 hybridised carbon and in CH2=CHBr ,Br is attached sp2 hybridised carbon




 Atoms of Element  P  forms ccp lattice or fcc lattice

Number of atoms of element P in ccp /fcc unit cell = 4

Total number of tetrahedral voids in unit cell  = 2x4 =8

Atoms of element Q occupy 1/3 rd of tetrahedral voids

Number of atoms of element Q in unit cell  = 1/3X8 = 8/3

Total number of octahedral voids in unit cell  =  4

Atoms of element R occupy 2/3 rd of octahedral voids

Number of atoms of element R in unit cell  =2/3X8 = 16/3

Formula of the compound =P4 Q8/3 R16/3

Multiplying by 4 ,           =P12Q8 R16 

dividing by 4 ,                  =P3Q2R4       

formula of the compound  is P3Q2R4

½ x4


(i)                  (n-1)d electrons also participate in bond formation because (n-1)d electrons and ns  electrons has comparable energies

(ii)                Due to lanthanoid contraction.

(iii)               Cu+ easily disproportionates in aqueous solution as follows

2 Cu+ à  Cu+2  +   Cu




(i) The general trend towards less negative Eo V values across the series is

related to the general increase in the sum of the first and second

ionisation enthalpies.

(ii) The high energy to transform Cu(s) to Cu2+ (aq) is not balanced by its

hydration enthalpy.

(iii) The stability of the half-filled d sub-shell in Mn2+ and the completely

filled d10 configuration in Zn2+ are related to their more negative Eo V








i.    triethylamine<diethylethanamine < ethanamine ( increasing order of solubility in water)

ii. C2H5N(CH3)2 < (C2H5)2NH< C4H9NH2 (increasing order of boiling point)

iii. Ethanamine< N ,N-Diethyl ehanamine < N-Ethyl ethanamine (increasing order of Basic strength)





(i)                  Carbylamine test or Hinsberg test

(ii)                RCONH2 + Br2 + 4NaOH  à  RNH2 + Na2CO3 + 2NaBr + 2H2O

(iii)               Due to large hydrophobic -C6H5  group , aniline is insoluble in water.



Density, d =z.M/a3 .NA

 d  =4 x 40/(400x10-10)3 x 6.022x1023

 d =4.15gcm-3

40 g (1 mol) element contain 6.022x1023 atoms or 6.022x1023/ 4  unit cell

So 4 g  element contain  6.022x1023x 4 /40x4 = 1.5x1023 unit cell



(i)            Proteins loses its biological activities on denaturation /secondary and tertiary structure is destroyed; primary structure remain intact

(ii)                The base – sugar unit in any nucleic acid chain is called a nucleosides whereas the base – sugar- phosphate unit in any nucleic acid chain is called  a nucleotides



  (Zwitter ion )




(i)                  N does not have vacant d orbital  for sp3d hybridization

(ii)                Cl2 >  Br2  >  F2> I2

(iii)               Due to too small size and high electron density on fluorine it repel the incoming electron thus incoming electron does not experience much attraction force.



 (i)3Cl2 + 6NaOH   à 5NaCl + NaClO3 +3H2O

(ii (a)  PbS + 4Oà PbSO4 +4O2

(b) 2H2SO4 + Cu  à   CuSO4+ SO2 +2H2O

(iii) (a) Larger atomic size and lower ionization energy of Xe, only xenon is known to form compounds with oxygen and fluorine

(b)    Interhalogen compound has lower bond enthalpy than parent halogen due to improper overlapping.




     (i)BiH3  <  SbH3 < AsH3< PH3 < NH3

Smaller the size greater the electron density available to accept the proton.

 (ii)(a) HOCl < HOClO < HOClO2 < HOClO3.

Because order of stability of conjugate base is as follows on the basis  of number of resonating structure /delocalization of electron cloud.

OCl- < OClO- < OClO2 - < OClO3-

(b)Nitrogen does not vacant d orbital and can not form dπ-pπ bond like phosphorus.

(c)     Fluorine never acts as the central atom in polyatomic interhalogen compounds due to following reason i) very small size ii)most electronegative atom iii) absence of vacant d orbital

(iii) XeF6 + 3H2O     à XeO3 + 6HF





½ X4












Or 32

(i)                  Iodoform test

(ii)                (a)C6H5CHO  -------HCN---à C6H5CH(OH)CN -----H3O+ ---à C6H5CH(OH)COOH

(b) CH3COCH3 ---NaBH4---à CH3CH(OH)CH3 --conc.H2SO4/heat ---à CH3CH=CH2

       (iii)          C6H5OH<2,4,6-trinitrophenol <  CH3COOH <HCOOH



(i)                  Conductivity decreases on  dilution because number of ion per unit volume decreases.

(ii)            Al(s)/Al3+ (0.15M)//Ni2+ (0.025M) /Ni(s)

(Given Eo(Al3+/ Al) = -1.66 V, Eo(Ni2+ /Ni) = 0.25V

2Al   à 2Al3+  + 6e

3Ni2++ 6e à 3 Ni


Net cell reaction: 2Al  3Ni2+ à 2Al3+  + 3 Ni

Here number of electron  exchange n= 6

Eocell = Eocathode -Eoanode = 0.25 -(-1.66) = 1.91 V


                         Ecell = Eocell – 0.059/n log [Al3+]2/ [Ni2+]3

                            =1.91 - 0.059/6 log[ 0.15]2/ [0.025]3

                             =1.91 - 0.059/6{ 2log[ 0.15]-3log [0.025]}


                             =1.91 - 0.059/6{ 2x-0.8239 -3 x-1.6020]}

                                      =1.91 - 0.059/6( -1.6478+ 4.806 )

                             =1.91 - 0.059/6x3.1582

                              = 1.91 – 0.031056

                    Ecell  =  1.87894V

   (iii)  ∆G=  -  nFEo cell   

            =  -6x 96500x 1.91

           =  - 1105898 j

           = - 1105.89 kj





(i) On dilution the molar conductivity of CH3COOH increases drastically, while that of CH3COONa increases gradually because CH3COOH is weak electrolyte and dissociation of weak electrolyte increases on dilution whereas CH3COONa is strong electrolyte which is completely ionised at any concentration





(ii)             Ni   à  + Ni2++2e

2Ag++ 2e à 2Ag


Net cell reaction: Ni +2Ag+ à Ni+2+ 2Ag

Here number of electron  exchange n= 2

Eocell = Eocathode -Eoanode = 0.80 -(-0.25) = 1.05V


                         Ecell = Eocell – 0.059/n log [Ni2+]/ [Ag+]2

                            =1.05 - 0.059/2 log[ 0.1]/ [1.0]2

                               =1.05 - 0.059/2 log 10 -1

                            =1.05 - 0.059/2x(-1)

                           =1.05 + 0.0295

                            = 1.0795 V



(iii)          λm = k x 1000/C

0.025 x 1000/0.20

25/0.20 = 125Scm2mol-1



feature post


1. Name the functional groups present in the following compounds. a)     CH 3  – CO –CH 2 –CH 2  –CH 2 –CH 3 b)    CH...