Popular Chemistry Online: June 2021

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Monday, June 28, 2021

Competency Based Lesson Plan on SURFACE CHEMISTRY

 Jawahar  Navodaya Vidyalaya ……………………………

Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan

  1. Name of the Teacher      ------------.Designation PGT CHEMISTRY


  1. Subject CHEMISTRY Class XII Section SC.


  1. Lesson/Unit Name SURFACE CHEMISTRY (UNIT -5)


  1. No. of periods required 10 Duration From 0 1 / 0 7 / 2 0 2 1 t o 10 / 0 7 / 2 0 2 1


  1. Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):


1.     Recall the definition related to surface chemistry,catalyst,enzyme and colloid.

2.     Remember the various phenomenon like adsorption,absorption,adsorbate,adsorbent,adsorption isotherm.

3.     Differentiate between adsorption and absorption,adsorbate and adsorbent.

4.     Compare between physical adsorption and chemical adsorption.

5.     Explain Mechanism of adsorption.

6.     Define selectivity and activity of enzyme.

7.     Derives adsorption isotherm.

8.     Demonstrate mechanism of heterogeneous catalysis.

9.     Gives example of catalyst , enzyme and colloid.

10.  Applies industrial uses of catalyst and enzyme.

11.   Classifies colloids on the basis of various criterion.

12.  Prepare various types of colloid.

13.  Evaluate various purification method as per nature of colloid.

14.  Applies uses of colloid in nature as well as day to day life.

B. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story

telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy):


1.Student will be motivated to improvised purification method of blood .

2.Appreciate to make Smoke Cottrell precipitation model to reduce air pollution.

C. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by

Rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):

1.Collect data from various sources such as internet, library, etc. regarding the industrial application of catalyst and enzyme.

2.Discuss with peers and teachers, get familiarize and internalize it by using in solving

problems and other relevant situations in daily life.

D.Name 21st Century Skills to be developed :


Critical thinking, collaboration, technology literacy,Problem solving,creativity ,leadership


E. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:


1.Preparation of lyophillic and lyophobic colloids.


F. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender

Sensitivity andEnvironmental Awareness:


Identification of application of adsorption ,catalyst ,enzyme and colloid in daily life as well as synthesis of new colloid ,emulsion which are very useful in future for diagnosis of diseases as cancer ,diabetes.



G.Resources (including ICT):








 H. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the

Class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the

samewith learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):




No of Items


of LO



No of Items


of LO

Oral Quiz












Multiple choice Questions


1 TO 5

Group Project



Very Short Answer Questions


1 TO 5

Individual Project


 1 to 5

Short Answer Questions


1 TO 5

Any other Item



Long Answer Questions


1 TO 5




Compentancy based Questions







Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.


I.Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit:


1.    Practice of previous year cbse questions


2.    Practice of competency based questions


3.    Practice of Assertion-reason type of questions


4.    Practice of Numericals


J. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled students):





Date:……………..                                         (Signature of the teacher)



Remarks of the Principal/Vice Principal:







(Signature of the Principal/Vice Principal)


Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan- THE SOLID STATE


Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya ……………………………

Competency Based Lesson/Unit Plan

1.     Name of the Teacher ……………………………..   

      Designation -PGT CHEMISTRY

2.     Subject   CHEMISTRY         

     Class XII          

    Section A

  Lesson/Unit Name THE SOLID STATE (UNIT -1)

 No. of periods required  10  Duration From 0 1 / 0 4 / 2 0 2 1 t o 15 / 0 4 / 2 0 2 1 

    A .   Learning Outcomes (Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes):


1.     Recognizes  the concepts of chemistry related to various types of solids such as

Amorphous and crystalline solids and also different types of crystalline solids.


2.     Explains crystal lattice and unit cells, with the understanding of the close packing of

Particles, different types of voids and close packed structures.


3.     Derives formulae and equations, such as, density formula, packing efficiency of

Different types of cubic unit cells


4.     Describe the defects in solids and their effect on properties.


5.     Explain the electrical and magnetic properties of solids and their structures.


B. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated /Sports integrated/ Story

          telling based/Toy based /Any other pedagogy):


1.     Students should be encouraged to think on their own the various types of solids by observing the solids present in the surroundings. They may be engaged in a discussion of properties of amorphous and crystalline solids


2.     Encourage students to make a toy by using one rupee coins and chart papers. They may                                        

Understand the close packed structures of crystalline solids in one, two and three dimensions by enjoying with the toy.


    C.   Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by   

Rearranging classroom setting suitable for group work):

 Collect data from various sources such as internet, library, etc. regarding the voids,

  Packing efficiency, density formula and calculations involving unit cell dimensions.

  Discuss with peers and teachers, get familiarize and internalize it by using in solving

   numerical problems and other relevant situations in daily life.

 D.   Name 21st Century Skills to be developed :

   Critical thinking, collaboration, technology literacy.

 E.   Activities/Experiments/Hands-on-learning/Projects:

 1.  Study of magnetic properties and classification of solids on the basis of their magnetic properties.


 2.  Study of n- type and p- semiconductors

 F.   Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender

     Sensitivity and Environmental Awareness:


1.     Recognizes  different types of solids which play important role in daily life and

Manufacture of such solids which may play an expanding role in future development

of science and society


            2. Takes initiative to learn about the newer research, discoveries and inventions in


 G.  Resources (including ICT):


1.     www.chemistryworld.com


           2.  www.chem.uci.edu


           3. NCERT TEXT BOOK


    H. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the

         class and as home assignments (Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the

          same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):




No of Items


of LO



No of Items


of LO

Oral Quiz












Multiple choice Questions


1 TO 5

Group Project



Very Short Answer Questions


1 TO 5

Individual Project



Short Answer Questions


1 TO 5

Any other Item



Long Answer Questions


1 TO 5




Compentancy based Questions







Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.

      Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit:


1.    Practice of previous year cbse questions


2.    Practice of competency based questions


3.    Practice of Assertion-reason type of questions


4.    Practice of Numericals


  J. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for Differently abled  students):





   Date: ……………..                                     (Signature of the teacher)



   Remarks of the Principal/Vice Principal:







(Signature of the Principal/Vice Principal)

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