- The transition elements may be defined as the elements whose atoms or simple ions contain at least one partially filled d –orbitals.
- Properties of these elements that are transitional between s & p block elements, there fore they are called as transition elements.
- General electronic configuration of these elements as ns1-2 (n-1)d1-10 .
- Lanthanides and actinides are called inner transition elements. Their general electronic configuration is ns2(n-1)d0-1 (n-2)f1-14
- Transition metals are having strong
metallic bonding due to presence of large no. of valence electrons
and greater nuclear charge. Hence
these are hard, possess high densities and high enthalpy of atomization.
- Transition elements are having high melting and boiling points due to presence of large no. of half filled d – orbitals which causes strong inter particle attractions.
- Ionization energy increases from left to right due to increase in the nuclear charge, as the increased nuclear charge is partly cancelled by screening effect there is no much increase.
- The reduction potential values of transition elements varies irregularly because it depend up on Enthalpy sublimation, Ionisation energy and hydration energy. All these values are irregularly changing hence their reduction potential values are also varies irregularly.
- Atomic and ionic radii decreases to middle and become constant in middle and at the end it increases. The variation is not much because increased nuclear charge is partly cancelled by screening effect.
- Transition elements possess variable oxidation states(o.s.) due to involvement of both ns electrons and (n-1)d electrons in bonding. Lower o.s is zero and highest is +8, +2 is the most common o.s.
- Transition metals forms complex compounds due to small size, high charge density and presence of empty d- orbitals.
- Transition elements forms colored complexes due to d – d transition.
- The transition metals ions generally contain one or more unpaired electrons in them and hence their complexes are generally paramagnetic. If a metal ion does not have at least one electron it behave as diamagnetic.
- Transition metal ions and their compounds known to act as catalysts. The catalytic activity of compounds is due to variable oxidation states, and providing surface for adsorption.
- Transition metals are almost similar size, there fore these elements can mutually substitute their positions in their crystal lattices and forms alloys.
- Transition elements are capable of entrapping smaller atoms of other elements such as H, C & N in the interstitial position and the trapped atoms get bonded with transition elements. And these compounds are known as interstitial compounds. Example Steel.
- Preparation of potassium
dichromate from chromite involves the following steps( in current syllabus it has been removed)
The chromite ore is
finely ground and heated strongly with molten alkali in the
presence of air.
+ 8NaOH + 7 ½ O2 à 4Na2CrO4
+ Fe2O3 + 4H2O
The solution of sodium
chromate is filtered and acidified with dilute sulphuric acid so that
sodiumdichromate is obtained.
2NaCrO4 + H2SO4
à Na2Cr2O7
+ Na2SO4 + H2O
A calculated quatity of
potassium chloride is added to a hot oncentrated
solution of sodium
dichromate. Potassium dichromate is less soluble therefore it crystallizes out first.
Na2Cr2O7+ 2KCl à K2Cr2O7 + 2NaCl
§ In alkaline solution dichromate which is orange in colour is
converted to chromate which is yellow. The acidification reverses the reaction.
2CrO4 2- + 2H+ à 2HCrO4- à Cr2O7 2- + H2O (reversible)
a)It oxidizes potassium iodide to iodine
2- + 14H+ + 6I- à 2Cr3+ + 7H2O + 3I2
b)It oxidizes iron (ii) solution to
iron(III) solution
2- + 14H+ + 6Fe2+ à 2Cr3+ + 7H2O + 6Fe3+
c) It oxidizes H2S
to S
2- + 8H+ + 3H2S à 2Cr3+ + 7H2O + 3S
§ Pyrolusite ore is fused with alkali in the presence of air when
potassium manganate is formed.
2MnO2 + 4KOH + O2 à 2K2MnO4 + 2H2O
Potassium manganate is oxidized by using either CO2, ozone or chlorine to potassium permanganate.
2K2MnO4 + Cl2 à 2KMnO4 + 2KCl
Potassium permanganate is crystallized from the solution
a) It oxidizes iron(II)salts to iron(III) salts.
MnO4- + 8H+ + 5Fe2+ àMn2+ + 4H2O + 5Fe3+
b)It oxidizes SO2 to sulphuric acid
2MnO4- + 5SO2 + 2H2Oà 5SO4 2- + 2Mn2+ + 4H+
b) It oxidizes oxalic acid to CO2 and H2O
2MnO4- + 16H+ + 5C2O42- à 2Mn2+ + 8H2O + 10CO2
§ Elements which have partly filled f-orbitals. There are two series of inner transition elements. In the first series of inner transition elements the 4f orbitals are incomplete and electrons are progressively filled in these orbitals as atomic number increases. These elements are called lanthanoids. In the second series of transition elements the electrons are progressively filled in 5f- orbitals as atomic no. increases. These elements are called actinoids.
§ As we move from La to Lu there is a gradual decrease in size .The steady decrease in size from La to Lu is called lanthanide contraction. This is due to poor shielding effect of 4f orbitals.
§ The important consequences are
1. Similarities in the properties of Y and heavier lanthanides .
2. Similar atomic radii of second and third transition series.
3. Separation becomes difficult
4. Causes small differences in the properties like basicity, solubility of salts, formation of complexes, etc.
§ Colour of the salts and ions in solution Most of the lanthanide trivalent ions are coloured in solid as well as in the solution phase. The ions containing x and (14 – x) electrons show the same colour. The colour of the salts or ions is due to the f – f transition of electrons.
1. Give two use of lanthanide compounds.
Ans. (i) Misch metal
is pyrophoric and used in gas lightness, tracer bullets and shell.
(ii) Oxides of neodymium and praseodymium are used for making colour glasses.
2. why the melting points of transition elements are high ?
Ans. The melting points of transition elements are high due to the presence of strong Intermetallic bonds and covalent bonds.
3. Why Zn, Cd and Hg are not regarded as transition elements ?
Ans. Because they have the completely filled d-subshell with outer electronic configuration (n –1)d10 ns2.
4. Why is K2Cr2O7 generally preferred over Na2Cr2O7 in volumetric analysis although both are oxidising agents ?
Ans. Because Na2Cr2O7 is hygroscopic, hence it is difficult to prepare its standard solution for volumetric analysis, but because of non hygroscopic nature of K2Cr2O7 its standard solution can be prepared.
5. Write any two uses of pyrophoric alloys.
Ans. Pyrophoric alloys contain rare earth metals and
are used in the preparation of ignition
and shells and flints for lightness.
6. Why do Zr and Hf exhibit similar properties ?
Ans. Because of the lanthanide contraction Hf has
similar size to Zr, therefore both Zr
and Hf exhibit similar properties.
7. In the transition servies, with an
increase in atomic number the atomic radius does not change very much, why is it so ?
Ans. In the transition series, the effect of increasing nuclear change is partly cancelled by the increased screening effect of the d- electrons of penultimate shell. Because of this reason, the atomic radius does not change very much in the transition series.
8. Why is the third ionization energy of manganese unexpectedly high ?
Ans. Third electron of the manganese is removed from 3d-orbitals which have half filled configuration, thus have extra stability. Due to this reason high enegy is required to remove third electron from Mn.
9. All scandium salts are white. Why ?
Ans. Because they have no electron in d-orbital, thus no d - d transition is possible.Due to this reason all salts of Sc3+ are white.
10. The first ionisations energies of the 5d-transition elements are higher then those of 3d and 4 d transition elements. Why?
Ans:- Due to Lanthanoid contraction
11. Why do the d-block elements exhibit a longer number of oxidation states than f-block elements ?
Ans. Because the energy of ns-electron and (n – 1) d-electrons are nearly same, therefore, ns electrons as well as (n – 1) d- electrons can take part in bond formation in transition elements.In fblock elements last electron goes to the f-orbitals of second order outer most shell, thus the difference between the energy of ns-electron and (n – 2) f-electrons increases. Due to this reasons all the (n – 2) f-electrons cannot take point in bond formation.
12. Explain why the first ionisation energies of the elements of the first transition series do not vary much with increasing atomic numbers.
Ans. With the increasing atomic number, d-electrons add one by one in (n – 1) shell or penultimate shell. The screening effect of these d- electrons shield the outer s-electrons from inward nuclear pull. The effect of the increase in nuclear charge with the increase in atomic number is opposed by the shielding effect of d-electrons . thus due to these counter effect there is a very little variations in the values of ionization energies of first transition series.
13. Explain why transition metals are paramagenetic ?
Ans. The ions of transition metals generally contain one or more unpaired electrons hence the compounds of transition metal are paramagnetic i.e., they are weakly attracted by magnetic field.The paramagnetic character is directly related to the value of magnetic moment, m which intern depends upon the number of unpaired electrons (n) i.e., B.M. = Ö n + (n + 2)
14. Give plausible reason for the fact that transition metals have high enthalpy of atomization.?
Ans. Transition elements are metallic in nature and form strong metallic bonds. Moreever, they have incomplete d-orbitals, hencey they can form covalent bonds also. Due to these two reasons transition metals have strong force of attraction. Therefore, they have high enthalpy of atomization.
15. What is the effect of pH on the color of the solution of potassium dichromate ?
Ans. A lower pH, the colour of the solution is orange due to the solution is orange due To the presence of dichromate ions (Cr2O7 2–). But in alkaline PH, the colour of the solution changes to yellow due to the conversion of dichromate ions to chromate ions.
2CrO4 2- + 2H+ ↔ 2HCrO4- ↔ Cr2O7 2- + H2O (reversible)
16. Why the compounds of transitions elements are coloured ?
Ans. The colour of compounds of transition elements depend upon the unpaired electrons present in d-orbitals fo transition element. If d-orbitals are completely vacant or completely filled the compounds will be colourless, but if any unpaired electron is present in d-orbital, the compound will be coloured due to
d - d transition. The unpaired electron is excited from one energy level to another energy level with in the same d-sub- shell. For this purpose, the energy is absorbed from visible region of radiation. The complementary part of the absorbed light i.e., reflected light will decide the colour of the compound.
17. Why
the transition elements act as catalyst? Give two examples.?
(a) Transition metal
show variable oxidation states, therefore, they can from intermediate
products of difficult reactant
(b) Transition elements are capable to form interstitial compounds due to which they can absorb and activates the reacting molecules.
(a) V2O5 is used for the oxidation of SO2 to SO3 in contact process of H2SO4.
(b) Ni is used as a catalyst in the hydrogenation of alkanes and alkynes
18. Why transition elements form
(a) interstitial compounds and
(b) Alloys?
Ans. (a) Interstitial compounds: Transition elements form large number of interstitial compounds.
In these compounds small size atoms like hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, nitrogen, boron etc. occupy the empty space of metal lattice. The small entrapped atom in the interstices forms the bonds with metals due to which malleability and ductility of the metals decrease, whereas tensile strength increases.
(b) Alloys: Transition element
forms alloys with each other
because they have
almost similar sizes. Due to similar sizes atoms of one metal in the crystal
lattice can easily take up the position of the atom of transition elements.
Alloys are more resistant to corrosion than the
constituent elements, and usually harder with higher melting point.
19. Why
are Ni2+ compounds thermodynamically more stable than Pt2+
compounds, whilst Pt4+ compounds are relatively more stable than Ni4+
Thermodynamic stability of the
compounds can be judged on the basis of the magnitude of ionization energies.
The sum of the two first ionization energies of Ni2+ is lower than the sum of
first two ionization energies of Pt2+, therefore, Ni2+
compounds are more stable than Pt2+. On the other hand, sum of first four ionization energies of Pt4+ lower than the sum of the first four ionization energies of Ni4+, therefore, Pt4+ compounds are more stable than Ni4+.
20. Name a transition metal which does
not exhibit variation in oxidation state in its compounds?
Ans. Zinc in its compounds shows an oxidation state of + 2 only.
21. Why is + 2 oxidation state of manganese (Z = 25) more stable than its + 3 oxidation state, while the same is not true for iron (Z = 26)?
Ans. The electronic configurations of Mn2+, Mn3+, Fe2+ and Fe3+ are,
Mn2+: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d 5 4s0
Mn3+: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d 4
Fe2+: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d 6 4s0
Fe3+: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d 5
Due to the extra stability of the half-filled orbitals d 5 configuration is more stable than d 4 or d 6. Mn2+ and Fe3+ both have d 5 configuration. Therefore, Mn2+ is more stable than Mn3+ and Fe3+ is more stable than Fe2+.
22. Of the ions Co2+, Sc3+ and Cr3+ which ones will give coloured aqueous solutions and how will each of them respond to a magnetic field and why?
(Atomic numbers: Co = 27, Sc = 21, Cr = 24)
Ans. The electronic configurations of the given ions are,
Co2+ : 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d7 No. of unpaired electrons = 3
Sc3+ : 1s2 2s2
2p6 3s2 3p6 3d0 No. of unpaired electrons = 0
Cr3+ : 1s2 2s2
2p6 3s2 3p6 3d3 No. of unpaired electrons = 3
Co2+ and Cr3+ ions will give coloured aqueous solutions. Co2+ and Cr3+ are paramagnetic, and Sc3+ is diamagnetic. Therefore, Co2+ and Cr3+ ions will get attracted to the magnetic field, whereas Sc3+ ion will be repelled by the magnetic field.
23. Why is it that anhydrous copper (II) chloride is a covalent while anhydrous copper (II) fluoride is ionic in nature?
Ans. This is because in halides of transition metals, the ionic character decreases with increase in atomic mass of the halogen. Fluorine being the most electronegative, forms ionic salt with copper. Cupric chloride consists of infinite chains consisting of bridging Cl atoms and has a covalent character.
24. (a) Assign reason for each of the following:
(i) Ce3+ can be easily oxidised to Ce4+.
(ii) E° for Mn3+/Mn2+ couple is more positive than for Fe3+/Fe2+.
(iii) Transition metals exhibit higher enthalpies of atomization.
(iv) The transition elements form interstitial compounds.
(b) Mention two uses of potassium permanganate in the laboratory. (Atomic number: Mn = 25, Fe = 26, Ce = 58)
Ans. (i) Ce3+ has only one electron in its 4f orbitals. Due to extra stability of completely empty orbitals belonging to an energy level as compared to having only one electron in it, Ce3+ tends to lose its only electron from 4f orbital and get oxidised to Ce4+.
(ii) Mn3+ has a 4d configurtion, so it has greater tendency to accept one electron to acquire d 5 configuration. On the other hand, Fe3+ has a d5 configuration which is more stable than the6d`6 configuration of Fe2+. As a result, reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ is not favoured. Since, E° values reflect the reduction tendency, therefore, E° value for Mn3+/Mn2+ couple is more positive than Fe3+/Fe2+.
(iii) Transition metals exhibit high enthalpies of atomisation. This is because the atoms in these elements are held together by strong metallic bonds. The metallic bond is formed as a result of interaction of electrons in the outermost shells. In general, greater the number of valence electrons stronger is the metallic bond.
(iv) The transition metals form a number of interstitial compounds in which small atoms of light elements such as, H, C and N occupy the voids in their lattices. The products obtained in this way are hard and rigid. For example, steel and cast iron become hard due to the formation of an interstitial compound with carbon.
(b) The uses of potassium permanganate in the laboratory are
(i) As an oxidising agent,
(ii) In volumetric estimation of reducing agents such as Fe2+ salts, oxalic acid etc.
25. Name a transition element which does not exhibit variable oxidation state?
Ans:- Scandium ( Z = 21) does not exhibit variable oxidation state.
26. Why is Cr+2reducing and Mn+3 oxidising when both have d4 configuration?
Ans:- Cr+2 is reducing as its configuration changes from d4 to d5, the latter having a half filled t2g level. On the other hand the change from Mn+2 to Mn+3 results in the half – filled (d5) configuration which has extra stability.
27. How would you account for the increasing oxidizing power in the series VO2+ < Cr2O72-‑ < MnO4-?
Ans:- This is due to the increasing stability of the lower species to which they are reduced.
28. How would you account for the irregular variation of ionization
enthalpies (first and second ) in the first series of
the transition elements?
Ans:- Irregular variation of ionization enthalpies is mainly attributed to varying degree of stability of different 3d configurations (e.g. d0, d5, d10 are exceptionally stable.
29. In the series Sc(Z=21) to Zn (Z=30) the enthalpy of atomization of zinc is the lowest i.e. 126kJ/mol, why?
Ans:- In the formation of metallic bonds, no electrons from 3d- orbitals are involved in case of zinc, while in all other metals of the 3d series, electrons from the d-orbitals are always involved in the formation of metallic bonds.
30. Which is a stronger reducing agent Cr+2 or Fe+2?
Ans:- Cr+2 is stronger reducing agent than Fe+2 Because d4 à d3 occurs in case of Cr+2 to Cr+3 but d6 à d5 occurs in case of Fe+2 to Fe3+. In a medium (like water) d3 is more stable as compared to d5.
31. Why is the highest oxidation state of a metal exhibited in its oxide or fluoride only?
Ans:- Because of small size and high electronegativity oxygen or fluorine can oxidize the metal to its highest oxidation state.
32. What is meant by disproportionation of an oxidation state? Give an example? Ans:- When a particular oxidation state becomes less stable relative to other oxidation states, one lower, one higher, it is said to undergo disportionation. For example, manganese(VI) becomes unstable relative to Manganese(VII) and manganese (IV) in acidic solution.
MnVIO42- + 4H+ à 2MnVIIO4- + MnIVO2 + 2H2O
33. Explain why Cu+ ion is not stable in aqueous solution?
Ans:- Cu+ in aqueous solution undergoes disproportionation i.e.,
2Cu+(aq.) à Cu+2(aq.) + Cu(s), The E0 value for this is favourable.
34. Name a member of the lanthanoid series which is well known to exhibit +4 oxidation state?
Ans:- Cerium (Z = 58)
35. Actinoid contraction is greater from element to element than lanthanoid contraction. Why?
Ans:- The 5f electrons are more effectively shielded from nuclear charge, In other words the 5f electrons themselves provide poor shielding from element to element in the series.
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