Popular Chemistry Online: Standard electrode potential -SEP/SRP

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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Standard electrode potential -SEP/SRP


Standard electrode potential 

·      Stability of the compounds depends upon electrode potentials. Electrode potential value depends upon

 a). enthalpy of sublimation(atomisation enthalpy) of the metal

b).  ionisation enthalpy and

c).  hydration enthalpy

M(s) ---------> M+(aq) + e    

Δtotal H (Total energy change)

Total energy changetotal H) 

Δa H + Δi H + ΔHyd H

·      The smaller the value of total energy change for a particular oxidation state in aqueous solution, greater will be the stability of that oxidation state.

·      The electrode potentials are the measure the total energy change.

·      The lower the electrode potential, i.e., more negative the standard reduction potential of the electrode, more stable is the oxidation state of the transition metal in the aqueous medium.

Trends in M2+/M Standard Electrode Potentials

·      It is evident that there is no regular trend in the E0 (M2+/M) values. This is due to irregular variation of ionisation energies and sublimation energies (atomisation energy) of the atoms of the members of the transition series.

·      The lower (Less negative) of E0 (M2+/M) values along the series is due to increase in the first and second ionisation energies.

·      The lower  the SEP value, the more is the stability of O.S. of a metal in aqueous.

·      Mn, Ni and Zn have more negative SRP/SEP (E0 (M2+/M) values than expected because.

Reason: Mn2+& Zn2+ have 3d5 & 3d10 stable electronic configuration

  Since  Ni  has highest hydration energy. (ΔhydH Ni+2 = –2121 kJ/mole)

·      Copper having positive E0 value because the sum of the first and second ionisation enthalpies for copper is very high due to exceptionally high second ionisation enthalpy. This is not compensated by the hydration enthalpy(ΔhydH).

Therefore, it does not liberate hydrogen from acids. It reacts only with oxidising acids such as HN03 and cone. H2S04.

Trends in M3+/M2+ Standard Electrode Potentials-

·      E0 value for Sc3+/Sc2+ is very low. Hence, Sc3+ is stable. This is due to its noble gas configuration [Ar]3d0.

·      E0value for Mn3+/Mn2+ is high. This reflects that Mn2+ state is stable due to d5 configuration.

·      For Fe3+/Fe2+ couple, the value of E0  is comparatively low because Fe3+ is extra  stable due to 3d5.

·      The comparatively low value for vanadium(V) is due to stability of V2+having half-filled t2g level.


·      Problem- 1. Mn2+ is most stable than Fe3+ while both having same electronic configuration Ans due to low value (less negative) of E0 for Mn

     Problem -2 Why is Cr2+ reducing and Mn3+is  oxidising when both have d4 configuration?

Ans- Cr2+ ----->Cr3+ + e-

      3d4               3d3 having half-filled t2g level

     Mn3+ + e- --------> Mn

     d4                           d5

less stable                most stable due to half-filled orbital

Problem-3 Why is Cr2+ reducing and Mn3+is  oxidising when both have dconfiguration

Cr2+ is stronger reducing reagent due to negative value of SEP(E0value)


Cr2+----------> Cr3+

 d4                        d3

Fe2+---------> Fe3+

d6                        d5

Problem-4 why the Mn3+/Mn2+ couple is much more positive than that for Cr3+/Cr2+ or Fe3+/Fe2+

Because Mn2+ has most stable electronic configuration as 3d5 so it requires lager third ionisation enthalpy than others so it has much more positive SEP.

Problem – 5. Cu1+ is less table than Cu2+

Cu+ (aq) + e_   -----------------> Cu(s)                            Eo = 0.52V

Cu2+ (aq) + e_   -----------------> Cu(s)                           Eo = 0.34V

Due to large (+)ve standard electrode potential of Cu+ is more reduced easily than Cu2+

In other word Cu+  compound give disproportionate reaction in aqueous

  Cu+ (aq) -----------------> Cu(s)   +  Cu+2    

Due to large (-)ve  hydration enthalpy of   Cu+2     which  more than compensate for second ionisation enthalpy of Cu


Chemical reactivity and Eo values-

·      The Eo values for M2+/M across a series increase toward positive value that indicates a decreasing tendency to form divalent cation across the series.

·      Mn, Ni and Zn have more negative SRP/SEP (E0 (M2+/M) values than expected because.

  Reason: Mn2+& Zn2+ have 3d5 & 3d10 stable electronic configuration

  Since Ni has highest hydration energy. (ΔhydH Ni+2 = –2121 kJ/mole)

·      Mn3+ and Co3+ ions are strongest oxidising agents in aqueous solution because their Eo values for M3+/M2+ are large (+) ve .

While Ti2+ V2+ and Cr2+ are strong reducing agent will liberate hydrogen from a dilute acid, since they have negative SEP value.

Note- Lower (large negative) value of Eo -------> element behave as a reducing reagent

            higher(large positive) value of Eo --------> element behave as a oxidising reagent.  

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